Wnioskuję, że nie zapoznałeś się z treścią pracy naukowej geologa z Indii, którą wcześniej załączyłem. W podsumowaniu napisał on, że metoda prognozowania trzęsienia ziemi jest bardzo precyzyjna co do miejsca i czasu jego występowania. Przed laty oglądałem też o tym program na Discovery Science lub National Geographic.
The Earth is often caught in a huge gravitational web due to the alignment of major planets and other celestial bodies such as Sun and Moon. These planetary configurations exert gravitational stresses that lead to variations in the earth’s rotational speed, affecting tectonic plate motion and triggering the release of accumulated stresses at plate boundaries/
intraplate faults. Comprehensive analysis of the past 100 years of earthquakes reveals that earthquakes can be predicted using planetary configurations with fair
accuracy with regard to time, location and magnitude. There are, however, specific conditions that control the release of these stresses such as the net planetary force, its direction with respect to the nature of the fault, and the triggering distances. Using these parameters, prediction of several earthquakes has been achieved with a time window of just ± 3 days and a
spatial window of a minimum of 2.2 km (difference in distance between predicted epicenter and actual epicenter). It is inferred that the magnitude of the tremor is related to the direction of planetary forces acting at any particular point.